Blog 2

 What do you think of the health service in our country?

-First, I would like to comment on something that happened to me recently, well, it actually happened to my sister.  She was on her way to her university but before getting off at her bus stop, the bus collided with another one causing my sister to fall and end up in the hospital (don't worry, she's fine).  She spent approximately 7 hours waiting for them to attend her, they entered her wrongly writing that she had hit her head when she really had a swollen knee and neck.  Having said this, my opinion about health in Chile, you will know that it is going down a negative path, the service is very bad and there are many hours of waiting.  Fortunately, it hasn't happened to me, but many people do have very bad experiences.  Another example might be my Grandpa, her arm hurt, they told her it was tendinitis and she ended up with terminal lung cancer, or my Grandma, they said she had a stress blackout and she ended up in bed with a stroke.  I feel that it is very important to give enough resources and motivation so that health is of quality and also free, something that is fundamental and vital for the human being should not be paid for.

 If you have a different opinion or agree, please leave a comment below <3.


  1. Hello, I totally agree with you regarding the health system, the system just can't keep up with the entire population that needs care and we end up with these horrible experiences where the diagnosis is wrong because of the short time the patient spends with the doctor at each appointment.

  2. Sorry I made a mistake mentioning Grandpa, I wrote Her and it was Him :( .

  3. Hi, I'm agree with your blog about the health service in Chile because I went through something similar. A family member spent months to perform a procedure (luckily everything went well) but the nerves of knowing if it could be done or had to wait longer a complete odyssey. For that I'm agree that our public health service is very poor and we to improve with help to government and its investment in this service.

  4. I agree with you, care in clinics and hospitals should be improved. I am concerned about the experiences you mentioned, I think doctors should be more aware of their work and understand that making a mistake in the health area can cause the loss of a life. :(

  5. I completely agree with you, there must be a quality public health system in Chile. It is not possible for there to be misdiagnoses like those of your family, each patient must feel safe and comfortable with the health system of their country.

  6. you are rigth, health should be something free and universal for all people, hopefully one day it can be like that

  7. I totally agree with you, specially in the sentence about give enough resources and motivation so that health is of quality and also free, I think thats the better way to improve the ehalth system


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