Blog 4

 Hello there <3, in this blog im going to tell you about what advice would you give a high school student who is about to go to college?.

 When I entered the university they gave me a lot of advice, but the truth is that very little helped me.  They always advise you the typical things like: be tidy, focus on your study, organize your time, etc.  The only advice that helped me was to organize my time, however, I don't apply much of the rest.  They also told me that I had to focus and that the main thing wasn't to have friends, something that I strongly disagree with now that I live the experience of being a university student.  Friends have become a strong pillar in my day to day, with them they support me emotionally and academically. 

When I think of some advice to my acquaintances who haven't yet entered university, I think of: "Organize your time, because later you will not be able to sleep well or you will have everything accumulated for the last days that you have tests, make friends, be open to meeting people new, with new experiences, and with new mentalities, it will make you grow and mature by seeing and listening to new people because you will also be able to define your own personality.

 I don't feel that the university is more difficult than my Liceo, because I never felt that it was a sudden change and that is why the typical advice about studying and blah blah never helped me.

My last advice would be: "don't be the partner of a work group that doesn't contribute anything" , having those experiences being the colleague who doesn't contribute or being with someone like that, is quite stressful, always try to contribute something and if you don't know anything about the subject, contribute to clean up the work or work  View the materials so that others can focus on what follows in the work.

 If you have a different opinion, comment below.

 Good night <3.


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