¿How has your political views changed during your lifetime?

 Hey there. I hope you are doing well. I am going talk about ¿How has your political views changed during your lifetime?.

First I have to clarify that I am not very informer about politics, I am not from a family that supports any political and therefore They have never instilled a vision in me and They always let me form my own.

When I was in primary school i was in a Catholic school where everything was conservative and they didn't let you give your opinion. Thas is why I have a conservartive stance towards any political event, although I have really only knew that the president of those years was Michelle Bachellet.

But when I changed schools, I was able to realize the diferents realities that each classmate lived day by day. Also I met a womens with very strong opinions about Feminism and why, for example, the abortion should be free ( mention that when I was young I didn't agree) or also about the injustices that the Country had y How affected us. 

So, ending my opinion, politics has changed me a lot in my life. Although I don't have a well-defined position, I disagree with any injustices angaist our Country.

what do you think? if you have any comments or differents opinions, please leave a comment bellow <3.


  1. I think the same as you, we must always be empathetic to any injustice. It's important what you mention, about how the schools themselves influence the way you look at politics. I would like schools to teach about Chilean political history in a neutral, objective and uncensored manner, as I have learned how private and conservative schools manipulate information. It would be best for each child/adolescent to construct their position, whether from the right, from the center or from the left, critically and objectively.

  2. I find it curious how, having been in a religious school, you position yourself in favor of free abortion. Having been in a conservative environment led you to seek a more liberal counterpoint? Or do you think you would have reached the same opinion if you had been in another type of school?

  3. I agree with you, many institutions are convinced that their position is unquestionable and the correct one, I don´t have a well-defined position either, perhaps isn´t necessary to have a position, perhaps we just have to look for points on which we all agree and do the best with it. :3

  4. I think the same as you, I dream about a world where specially schools do not braniwash childs about a certain topic


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