Post 1: A Country I would like to visit

 I really like the Oriental Culture, the stucture of edifications, beliefs, the varied languages and They gastronomy. When I think about some Country immediately Japan comes to my mind so, Japan is the Country I would like to visit.

First, Japan is a Country with avanced technology, even in a Restaurant attend to you robots! is impressionant how technology you saw in any place but in other things, for example food They are so tradicional,  in many recipes They follow to the T because They want to apreciate the original flavor.

Other reason that I would like to visit is for the anime in specific. I like so much anime, I looked when I was a child, for example, I watched Hamtaro, it is about Hamsters what do they do in the day. In Japan all It's made with anime theme, the cafe's, stopbuses, even in kitchen utensils.

In conclusion, Japan is a beautifull Country that I really dream to travel there. When I get out of University the first that I want to do is go to Japan.


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