Post 4: A Time Travel to the Future

 Time travel is something that all the scientist wonder. Is posible create a time travel without traspassing the physics laws?, well I don't know if is posible. But if this would be as this I don't want to travel to the future because I don't want to see how I am in that time, maybe I think that I will be disappointed about miself, or no, but the possibility of it happened, make me fell scared.

So, I want to travel to the past to straighten out some that I be wrong. For example in one case I did something bad, when I was a child I broke up a soda (3L), so my mom scolding for that mistake and I really fell so sorry about that, so I would travel to te past for sort out the mistake.

For other reason that I want to travel to the past is for re-awaken those days when I eated sushi or korean food or Japanese ramen beacuse this food is very good but is so expensive so I don't eaten this food in a long period of time. For the final reason is for correct some exam, not for a mistake when I didn't know the subject, because this mistake is for mi irresponsability, but I travel to correct some mathematical error when I did this I feel so frustated because Isn't a mistake for my knowledge.  


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