Post 5: Changes to my Study Programme

 What would  I change to my study programmate?

Well, I  would change a lot of things but the first I would change is the anual subject because the students fall behind only for one subject and that thing is so stressful, discourage so much. The second thing is the schedule because outside the university it is dangerous and most of the time you have to be very careful, especially for students who live far away and leave very late.

Other thing I would change is in Algebra We have tests at 5:00 p.m. until 7:00 p.m. and so many times We  takes more time do this exams and We would have the exams in the morning beacuse we have early classes on wednesday. Other thing I would change is the service into Cafeteria it's sad see all de products, there are very few products and expensive, there is not even ice cream for this hot days, there is not empanadas or fajitas like in the medicina faculty, there are so many things like a maruchan inclusive so many juice with any flavors.

Other thing I would change is that teachers abide by the guideline 100% They aren't flexible with the results, if you have a different approximation of decimals than them They put a cero points for example, the results are 2,50M and you wrote 2,49M is bad for the teacher and is so frustated because just don't round a decimal but is the same thing, or you made a mistake in the numbers and not in the method, They put cero points but you were wrong only in one multiplication and the process is correct. That thing is one of the most than I hate in the University, because you understand the subject but for a mistake in once operation, you can repeat the course


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